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EVMView Tokens

Viewing Tokens in MetaMask

ERC20 Tokens

To view ERC20 tokens in MetaMask, the process mirrors that on other EVM chains. For tokens not automatically listed, you’ll need to manually import them into your wallet. Detailed instructions can be found here.


Viewing NFTs in MetaMask requires manual addition. Follow the steps provided here to add and view your NFTs in the wallet.

TokenFactory & CW20 Tokens

TokenFactory and CW20 tokens can only be visible in MetaMask if there’s a pointer contract created for it. A pointer contract enables a native Sei token to be linked across CosmWasm and EVM through an ERC20 interface. Once created for a native token, you can import it as an ERC20 token using the steps above.

CW721 NFTs

Similarly, CW721 NFTs can only be visible in MetaMask if a pointer contract created for it. Once created, you can import it into your wallet like a standard ERC721 NFT.

Visit our Pointer Contract page to learn more.

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