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LearnProposal Process

Creating a New Proposal

Anybody can create a governance proposal which will start in the deposit period, and will be promoted to voting period once the minimum deposit amount is met. Anyone can deposit to a proposal in deposit period.

Submit Proposal

To submit a new proposal, you can send a transaction with the proposal details and a specified deposit amount. This deposit amount doesn’t have to be greater than the MinDeposit (minimum to enter voting) amount, but until the overall deposit amount is met, the proposal will remain in deposit period.

A submit-proposal transaction must include a nonzero positive deposit amount


seid tx gov submit-proposal param-change proposal.json --from {proposer_key}

Note that we allow for expedited proposals via the —is-expedited flag. This halves the time of the proposal but requires twice the amount of deposit.

Query Proposal

You can also view existing proposal details and the state of the proposal (deposit period, voting period, etc) by querying for a specific proposal id.


seid query gov proposal {proposal_id}

You can also query for the proposer for a specified proposal to view the address that initially submitted the proposal


seid query gov proposer {proposal_id}

Deposit for Proposal

If a created proposal is in a pending deposit period, you can add to the deposits in order to contribute for the proposal to enter the voting period. The deposit amount is denominated in amount to deposit and the deposit token such as 10000sei.

If a proposal fails to meet MinDeposit before the deposit period ends, ALL deposits are burned


seid tx gov deposit {proposal_id} {deposit_amount} --from {your_key}

Query deposits

A user can query the deposit made by a specific address on a specific proposal. This can be used to see your current deposit amount or to see the amount another account deposited.


seid query gov deposit {proposal_id} {depositor_addr}

You can also query all deposits made for a proposal with a separate query command.


seid query gov deposits {proposal_id}

Voting on proposals

This allows an address to vote on a specified proposal. There are four voting options when voting on a proposal

  • yes
  • no
  • abstain
  • no_with_veto


seid tx gov vote {proposal_id} {vote_option} --from {voter_key} --chain-id {chain_id}

Weighted Vote

The weighted vote transaction allows a voter to partially allocate voting power to various voting options. This is especially useful in cases where the vote is voting on the behalf of multiple stakeholders with different voting decisions.

When performing a weighted vote, the transaction is executed with voting weights instead of a single option. The voting weights are expressed as a comma separated string of vote options mapping to voting weights. The voting weights must add up to 1 for the transaction to be valid.

Defining Weights



seid tx gov weighted-vote {proposal_id} {voting_weights} --from {voter_key} --chain-id {chain_id}

Query Proposal Details

This will return the information about a single proposal specified by proposal_id.


seid query gov proposal {proposal_id} --chain-id {chain_id}

Query Proposal Tally

This will return the current vote tally for the proposal_id provided.

seid query gov tally {proposal_id} --chain-id {chain_id}

Query Individual Vote

This will query the vote information for a specific voter address and proposal id.


seid query gov vote {proposal_id} {voter_addr} --chain-id {chain_id}
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