Sei supports the standard Ethereum JSON-RPC API endpoints, along with a few which are specific to Sei.
see sei endpoints for details
Standard endpoints
Below is a list of EVM-RPC endpoints provided by default on a Sei RPC node. Your RPC provider may offer slightly different/extended specifications.
All endpoints are in the form of JSON-RPC and share the following request/response structure:
- Request
- HTTP method: always “GET”.
- header:
accept: application/json
- header:
content-type: application/json
- body (JSON):
- id: an arbitrary string identifier.
- jsonrpc: always “2.0”.
- method: endpoint name (e.g. “eth_sendRawTransaction”).
- params: an array that differs from endpoint to endpoint.
- Response
- body (JSON):
- id: the same identifier in request.
- jsonrpc: always “2.0”.
- result: an object that differs from endpoint to endpoint.
Send Transactions
Sends a signed transaction.
- Parameters:
Type | Description |
string | The hex-encoding of the signed transaction. |
- Result:
Type | Description |
string | The transaction hash. |
Sends a transaction to establish association between the signer’s Sei address and EVM address on-chain.
- Parameters:
Type | Description |
object | A custom object containing a string message and the v, r, s of the signed message. |
Object Schema:
custom_message: // Any string message
r: // The R-part of the signature over the Keccak256 hash of the custom message.
s: // The S-part of the signature over the Keccak256 hash of the custom message.
v: // The V-part of the signature over the Keccak256 hash of the custom message.
Transaction Lookup
Gets the receipt of a sent transaction
- Parameters:
Type | Description |
string | The transaction hash. |
- Result:
Type | Description |
object | The receipt object . |
Gets transaction by the block number and the index of the transaction in the block
- Parameters:
Type | Description |
string | The block number, which can either be a hexadecimal number, or one of “safe”, “finalized”, “latest”, or “earliest”. Note that “safe”, “finalized”, and “latest” mean the same thing on Sei due to its instant finality. |
string | The transaction index as a hexadecimal number. |
- Result:
Type | Description |
object | The transaction details . |
Gets transaction by the block hash and the index of the transaction in the block.
- Parameters:
Type | Description |
string | The block hash. |
string | The transaction index as a hexadecimal number. |
- Result:
Type | Description |
object | The transaction details . |
Gets transaction by the transaction hash.
- Parameters:
Type | Description |
string | The transaction hash. |
- Result:
Type | Description |
object | The transaction details . |
Account Information
Gets the number of transactions sent by the account
- Parameters:
Type | Description |
string | The address to look up. |
string | The block number, which can either be a hexadecimal number, or one of “safe”, “finalized”, “latest”, or “earliest”. Note that “safe”, “finalized”, and “latest” mean the same thing on Sei due to its instant finality. |
- Result:
Type | Description |
string | The hexadecimal form of the number of transactions. |
Gets the balance in wei (i.e. 10^-12 usei) of the account
- Parameters:
Type | Description |
string | The address to look up. |
string | The block number or hash, which can be one of 1. block hash, 2. hexadecimal block number, 3. one of “safe”, “finalized”, “latest”, “pending”, or “earliest”. Note that “safe”, “finalized”, and “latest” mean the same thing on Sei due to its instant finality. |
- Result:
Type | Description |
string | The hexadecimal form of the wei balance. |
Gets EVM code stored at the account address
- Parameters:
Type | Description |
string | The address to look up. |
string | The block number or hash, which can be one of 1. block hash, 2. hexadecimal block number, 3. one of “safe”, “finalized”, “latest”, “pending”, or “earliest”. Note that “safe”, “finalized”, and “latest” mean the same thing on Sei due to its instant finality. |
- Result:
Type | Description |
string | The hexadecimal form of the code binary. |
Gets value at given key of the account
- Parameters:
Type | Description |
string | The address to look up. |
string | The hexadecimal form of the key. |
string | The block number or hash, which can be one of 1. block hash, 2. hexadecimal block number, 3. one of “safe”, “finalized”, “latest”, “pending”, or “earliest”. Note that “safe”, “finalized”, and “latest” mean the same thing on Sei due to its instant finality. |
- Result:
Type | Description |
string | The hexadecimal form of the storage value. |
Gets the IAVL proof (note: not a MPT proof) of the given keys for an account.
- Parameters:
Type | Description |
string | The address to look up. |
string[] | The hexadecimal form of the keys. |
string | The block number or hash, which can be one of 1. block hash, 2. hexadecimal block number, 3. one of “safe”, “finalized”, “latest”, “pending”, or “earliest”. Note that “safe”, “finalized”, and “latest” mean the same thing on Sei due to its instant finality. |
- Result:
Type | Description |
object | An object with data from the IAVL proof. |
Object Schema:
address: // The requested address.
hexValues: // An array of the hexdecimal form of the values at the given keys.
storageProof: // An array of storage proofs.
Note: The storage proofs in the return object follow this format .
Block Information
Gets the count of EVM transactions (i.e. excluding native Cosmos transactions) in a block by its number.
- Parameters:
Type | Description |
string | The block number, which can be one of 1. block hash, 2. hexadecimal block number, 3. one of “safe”, “finalized”, “latest”, “pending”, or “earliest”. Note that “safe”, “finalized”, and “latest” mean the same thing on Sei due to its instant finality. |
- Result:
Type | Description |
string | The hexadecimal form of the count. |
Gets the count of EVM transactions (i.e. excluding native Cosmos transactions) in a block by its hash.
- Parameters:
Type | Description |
string | The block hash. |
- Result:
Type | Description |
string | The hexadecimal form of the count. |
Gets the block metadata and/or its EVM transactions by block hash
- Parameters:
Type | Description |
string | The block hash. |
bool | Whether to include transactions in the response. |
- Result:
Type | Description |
string | The block info . |
Gets the block metadata and/or its EVM transactions by block number.
- Parameters:
Type | Description |
string | The block number, which can be one of 1. block hash, 2. hexadecimal block number, 3. one of “safe”, “finalized”, “latest”, “pending”, or “earliest”. Note that “safe”, “finalized”, and “latest” mean the same thing on Sei due to its instant finality. |
bool | Whether to include transactions in the response. |
- Result:
Type | Description |
string | The block info . |
Gets an array of EVM transaction receipt in a block by block number
- Parameters:
Type | Description |
string | The block number, which can be one of 1. block hash, 2. hexadecimal block number, 3. one of “safe”, “finalized”, “latest”, “pending”, or “earliest”. Note that “safe”, “finalized”, and “latest” mean the same thing on Sei due to its instant finality. |
- Result:
Type | Description |
object[] | An array of receipt objects . |
Blockchain Information
Gets the latest committed block number.
- Parameters:
- Result:
Type | Description |
string | The hexadecimal form of the block number. |
Gets the chain ID.
- Parameters:
- Result:
Type | Description |
string | The hexadecimal form of the chain ID. |
Gets the fee collector address.
- Parameters:
- Result:
Type | Description |
string | The address of the fee collector. |
Gets fee history over the requested block range.
- Parameters:
Type | Description |
string | The number of blocks to look at, in either decimal or hexadecimal form. |
string | The block number, which can either be a hexadecimal number, or one of “safe”, “finalized”, or “latest”. Note that “safe”, “finalized”, and “latest” mean the same thing on Sei due to its instant finality. |
float[] | The reward percentiles. |
- Result:
Type | Description |
object | The fee history over the requested block range. |
Gets the 50% percentile of gas prices in the most recent block.
- Parameters:
- Result:
Type | Description |
string | The hexadecimal form of the gas price. |
Gets the version (equal to Chain ID).
- Parameters:
- Result:
Type | Description |
string | The hexadecimal form of the chainID. |
- Parameters:
- Result:
Type | Description |
string | The RPC node’s runtime version. |
Filter Endpoints
Note that log filters are subject to the following limits by default:
- 10000 logs in one response if block range is open-ended
- 2000 blocks to query over if block range is close-ended
Your RPC provider may tweak these limits.
Creates a new log filter for later queries.
- Parameters:
Type | Description |
object | The filter criteria . |
- Result:
Type | Description |
string | The newly created filter’s ID. |
Creates a new block filter for later queries.
- Parameters:
- Result:
Type | Description |
string | The newly created filter’s ID. |
Gets all the updates since the filter was last queried.
- Parameters:
Type | Description |
string | The filter ID. |
- Result:
Type | Description |
string[] OR object[] | For block filters, the result would be an array of block hashes; for log filters, the result would be an array of log objects . |
Get all logs for a given log filter, including the logs that have been returned before.
- Parameters:
Type | Description |
string | The filter ID. |
- Result:
Type | Description |
object[] | An array of log objects . |
Get all logs for the given filter criteria.
- Parameters:
Type | Description |
object | The filter criteria . |
- Result:
Type | Description |
object[] | An array of log objects . |
When using this query, the logIndex
is not unique. These queries are also
limited to 2000 blocks or 10,000 logs (whichever comes first). If 10,000 logs
are returned, it’s recommended to split and re-run the query in smaller chunks
to ensure all logs are captured. There are no warnings when these limits are
To address these issues, consider using the wrapper function described in our Developer Hub .
Removes a created filter.
- Parameters:
Type | Description |
string | The filter ID. |
- Result:
Type | Description |
bool | Whether the filter existed. |
Simulation Endpoints
Same as the official specification .
Same as the official specification .
Debugging Endpoints
Same as Alchemy .
Same as Alchemy .
Same as Alchemy .
sei endpoints
Additional custom endpoints exist for specific applications - typically to avoid application-side adjustments to the expected RPC responses.
Click to expand
Endpoints for Synthetic txs
The motivation for these endpoints is to expose CW20 and CW721 events on the EVM side through synthetic receipts and logs. This is useful for indexing pointer contracts.
- same as
but includes synthetic logs
- same as
- same as
but includes synthetic logs
- same as
- same as
but includes synthetic txs
- same as
- NOTE: for synthetic txs,
can be used to get the receipt data for a synthetic tx hash.
Endpoints for excluding tracing failures
The motivation for these endpoints is to exclude tracing failures from the EVM side. Due to how our mempool works and our lack of tx simulation, we cannot rely on txs to pass all pre-state checks. Therefore, in the eth_ endpoints, we may see txs that fail tracing with errors like “nonce too low”, “nonce too high”, “insufficient funds”, or other types of panic failures. These transactions are not executed, yet are still included in the block. These endpoints are useful for filtering out these txs.
- same as
but excludes panic txs
- same as
- same as
but excludes panic txs
- same as
- same as
but excludes panic txs
- same as
- same as
but excludes panic txs
- same as