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Bank Precompile

Address: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001001

This precompile enables EVM clients to interact with the bank module.



  • send: Enables a user to send non-native tokens to another wallet. For sending native Sei tokens, use sendNative instead.

    /// Sends non-native tokens from one address to another. /// @param fromAddress The Sei address to send funds from. /// @param toAddress The Sei address to send funds to. /// @param denom The denomination of funds to send. /// @param amount The amount of the above denom to send. /// @return Whether the send was successfully executed. function send( address fromAddress, address toAddress, string memory denom, uint256 amount ) external returns (bool success);
  • sendNative: Enables a user to send native Sei to another user.

    /// Sends Sei to the specified user.. /// @param toNativeAddress The Sei address of the recipient. /// @return Whether the tokens were successfully sent. function sendNative( string memory toNativeAddress, ) payable external returns (bool success);


  • balance: Queries the balance of the given account for specified denom.
    /// Queries the balance of the given account for the specified denom. /// @param acc The Sei address of the account to query. /// @param denom The denomination to query for. /// @return The amount of denom held by acc. function balance( address acc, string memory denom ) external view returns (uint256 amount);
  • all_balances: Queries all balances of the given account.
/// Queries the balance of the given account for all balances. /// @param acc The Sei address of the account to query. /// @return balances for all coins/denoms. function all_balances( address acc ) external view returns (Coin[] memory response);
  • name: Queries the name of the given denom.

    /// Queries the name of the specified denom. /// @param denom The denomination to query about. /// @return The name of the specified denom. function name( string memory denom ) external view returns (string memory response);
  • symbol: Queries the symbol of the given denom.

    /// Queries the symbol of the specified denom. /// @param denom The denomination to query about. /// @return The symbol of the specified denom. function symbol( string memory denom ) external view returns (string memory response);
  • decimals: Queries the number of decimal places for the given denom.

    /// Queries the number of decimal places for the specified denom. /// @param denom The denomination to query about. /// @return The number of decimals for the specified denom. function decimals( string memory denom ) external view returns (uint8 response);
  • supply: Queries the total supply of the given denom.

    /// Queries the total supply of the specified denom. /// @param denom The denomination to query about. /// @return The total supply of the specified denom. function supply( string memory denom ) external view returns (uint256 response);
View the Bank precompile source code and the contract ABI here.
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