EVM Precompiles

Governance Precompile

Address: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000001006

This precompile enables participation in Sei's governance process through the EVM, allowing EVM users and contracts to submit proposals, vote, and query governance information.



  • vote: Allows a user to cast a vote on a governance proposal

      /// Cast a vote on the specified proposal.
      /// @param proposalId The ID of the proposal to vote on.
      /// @param option The option to vote for. (Refer to the governance module for allowed options)
      /// @return Whether the vote was successfully cast.
      function vote(
          uint64 proposalID,
          int32 option
      ) external returns (bool success);
  • deposit: Enables a user to deposit tokens into a governance proposal

      /// Deposit funds into the specified proposal.
      /// @param proposalId The ID of the proposal to vote on.
      /// @return Whether the tokens were successfully deposit cast.
      function deposit(
          uint64 proposalID,
      ) payable external returns (bool success);

View the Governance precompile source code and the contract ABI here (opens in a new tab).