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EVMPointer ContractsStandard [20, 721, 1155]

For an overview of Pointer Contracts click here.

Deploying Pointer Contracts

This section guides you through the process of deploying a Pointer Contract for various token standards using the seid CLI tool.


For an in-depth understanding of Sei token standards, click here.


The list of requirements for deploying a pointer is fairly short:

  • Sei light client (CLI/daemon) installed on your machine. You can follow the installation guide if needed.
  • Address for the relevant contract (the “pointee”)

When a pointer is registered for any given contract, the two are mapped and identifiable across both execution environments. This link is immutable and can only be changed through governance.

Before deploying a pointer, you should first check if a pointer for the token/contract you wish to deploy already exists, using this query:

seid q evm pointer [type] [pointee] [flags]


  • TYPE: One of “ERC20”, “ERC721”, “NATIVE”, “CW20”, and “CW721”. Note that type refers to the underlying token type, so a type of “ERC20” refers to a CosmWasm pointer pointing to an ERC-20 token.
  • POINTEE: the underlying token denom literal in the case of “NATIVE” type, or the underlying token contract address for all other types


  • --evm-rpc: The endpoint URL for the EVM RPC interface of the Sei blockchain. This URL is used by the seid command to interact with the Sei EVM.

Deploying a Pointer Contract

To deploy a Pointer Contract that links to a CosmWasm contract, you can use the following command:

seid tx evm register-evm-pointer [pointer type] [cw-address] --gas-fee-cap=<int> --gas-limit=<int>


  • pointer type: The type of pointer you want to create, either CW20, CW721, or NATIVE.
  • cw-address: The address of the CosmWasm contract you want to create an EVM pointer for.


  • --gas-fee-cap: The maximum amount of gas fees that can be charged for the transaction.
  • --gas-limit: The maximum amount of gas that can be consumed by the transaction.
  • --evm-rpc: The endpoint URL for the EVM RPC interface of the Sei blockchain. This URL is used by the seid command to interact with the Sei EVM.


After initially registering a pointer, it is advisable to confirm registration by using the following command:

Usage: seid query evm pointer [type] [pointee] [flags]


  • pointer type: The type of pointer you want to create, either CW20, CW721, or NATIVE.
  • cw-address: The address of the CosmWasm contract you want to create an EVM pointer for.


  • --height int: Use a specific height to query state at (this can error if the node is pruning state).

  • --node string: <host>:<port> to Tendermint RPC interface for this chain

  • --output string: Output format (text|json) (default “text”).

For a quick-reference for flags/args and syntax, use the --help flag with any command. For example:

seid tx evm --help

CosmWasm >> ERC Pointer

For ERC20 Tokens

To deploy a CW20 Pointer Contract that links to an ERC20 token, you can use the following command:

seid tx evm register-cw-pointer ERC20 $ERC20_TOKEN_ADDRESS --from=$SENDER --chain-id=pacific-1 --broadcast-mode=block --gas=200000 --fees=5000usei --node=


  • ERC20_TOKEN_ADDRESS: The contract address of the ERC20 contract to create a CW20 pointer for.


  • --from: Keyfile (by name) from which the tx is sent. This address must have enough balance to cover transaction fees.
  • --chain-id: Identifies the specific chain of the Sei network you’re interacting with. pacific-1 refers to the Sei mainnet.
  • --broadcast-mode: Determines how the transaction is broadcasted. Setting this to block means the transaction will wait to be included in a block before returning a response.
  • --gas: Specifies the maximum amount of gas that can be consumed by the transaction.
  • --fees: Indicates the transaction fee.
  • --node: Points to the specific Sei node RPC URL you’re connecting to for transaction submission.

Source code for pointer contracts can be seen in the contracts directory of the sei-chain repo.

For ERC721 Tokens

To deploy a CW721 Pointer Contract that links to an ERC721 token, you can use the following command:

seid tx evm register-cw-pointer ERC721 $ERC721_TOKEN_ADDRESS --from=$SENDER --chain-id=pacific-1 --broadcast-mode=block --gas=200000 --fees=5000usei --node=


  • ERC721_TOKEN_ADDRESS: The contract address of the ERC721 token to create a CW721 pointer for.


  • --from: Keyfile (by name) from which the tx is sent. This address must have enough balance to cover transaction fees.
  • --chain-id: Identifies the specific chain of the Sei network you’re interacting with. pacific-1 refers to Sei mainnet.
  • --broadcast-mode: Determines how the transaction is broadcasted. Setting this to block means the transaction will wait to be included in a block before returning a response.
  • --gas: Specifies the maximum amount of gas that can be consumed by the transaction.
  • --fees: Indicates the transaction fee.
  • --node: Points to the specific Sei node RPC URL you’re connecting to for transaction submission.

ERC >> CosmWasm Pointer

For CW20 Tokens

To deploy an ERC20 Pointer Contract that links to a CW20 token, you can use the following command:

seid tx evm register-evm-pointer CW20 $CW20_TOKEN_ADDRESS --from=$SENDER --chain-id=pacific-1 --broadcast-mode=block --gas=200000 --fees=5000usei --node=


  • CW20_TOKEN_ADDRESS: The contract address of the CW20 contract to create an ERC20 pointer for.


  • --from: Keyfile (by name) from which the tx is sent. This address must have enough balance to cover transaction fees.
  • --chain-id: Identifies the specific chain of the Sei network you’re interacting with. pacific-1 refers to Sei mainnet.
  • --broadcast-mode: Determines how the transaction is broadcasted. Setting this to block means the transaction will wait to be included in a block before returning a response.
  • --gas: Specifies the maximum amount of gas that can be consumed by the transaction.
  • --fees: Indicates the transaction fee.
  • --node: Points to the specific Sei node RPC URL you’re connecting to for transaction submission.

For CW721 Tokens

To deploy an ERC721 Pointer Contract that links to a CW721 token, you can use the following command:

seid tx evm register-evm-pointer CW721 $CW721_TOKEN_ADDRESS --from=$SENDER --chain-id=pacific-1 --broadcast-mode=block --gas=200000 --fees=5000usei --node=


  • CW721_TOKEN_ADDRESS: The contract address of the CW721 token to create an ERC721 pointer for.


  • --from: Keyfile (by name) from which the tx is sent. This address must have enough balance to cover transaction fees.
  • --chain-id: Identifies the specific chain of the Sei network you’re interacting with. pacific-1 refers to Sei mainnet.
  • --broadcast-mode: Determines how the transaction is broadcasted. Setting this to block means the transaction will wait to be included in a block before returning a response.
  • --gas: Specifies the maximum amount of gas that can be consumed by the transaction.
  • --fees: Indicates the transaction fee.
  • --node: Points to the specific Sei node RPC URL you’re connecting to for transaction submission.
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