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First Steps

Refer to the Tokenfactory tutorial for details on how to create a tokenfactory denom and an associated pointer contract.

Create Pointer Contract

After creating your token, in ordfer to enable seamless use across both standard and EVM environments, we can create a pointer contract. This will create what is essentially an ERC20 “proxy” token that can be imported and used in EVM wallets and applications just like any other, with the added benefit of significantly easier tracking of wallet balances, default IBC transfer capability, and more.

Please note that the pointer data for factory tokens (as well as IBC tokens) can only be updated through governance. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that the pointer contract is configured correctly the first time, as it is difficult to change once implemented. It is recommended to try the procedure on testnet before deploying to mainnet.
seid tx evm register-evm-pointer NATIVE factory/${ACCOUNT}/${DENOM} --from=$ACCOUNT --fees 20000usei --evm-rpc=

This command creates an ERC20 token that is linked to the TokenFactory token. Any activities involving this ERC20 token will be reflected in the state of the TokenFactory token and vice versa.

To query the pointer contract address, run the following command:

seid q evm pointer NATIVE factory/${ACCOUNT}/${DENOM} --node=

This will return the address of the pointer contract, which can be used in EVM environments to interact with your TokenFactory token.

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