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CosmWasmEVM on Cosmos

EVM Transactions on Cosmos

On Sei, EVM transactions can be executed using the same tools as native Cosmos transactions. This is useful for developers who want to interact with both native and EVM functionality in their applications. This guide will help you understand how to query and send transactions using the Sei CLI (seid) and Foundry’s cast command, as well as how to generate transaction templates for both native and EVM transactions.

seid for EVM

You can query or send transactions to Sei easily via seid once you have the seid command installed (see Installing Seid)


If the machine you run these commands from are not running a node of the network, you’ll need to append --node http://url-to-sei-cosmos-rpc to your command. Refer to the RPC Providers page for a list of RPC endpoints.

  • seid q evm sei-addr [some EVM address]: Gets the associated Sei address of the queried EVM address, if it exists on-chain.
  • seid q evm evm-addr [some Sei address]: Gets the associated EVM address of the queried Sei address, if it exists on-chain.
  • seid q evm erc20 [erc20 address] [method] [arguments...]: Query the ERC20 contract at given address using the given method/arguments.
  • seid q evm payload [abi-filepath] [method] [arguments...]: Generate the hexadecimal payload of the requested method call given an ABI.
  • seid q evm pointer [type] [pointee]: Gets the pointer contract of the requested pointee. The type parameter can be one of “NATIVE”, “CW20”, “CW721”, “ERC20”, or “ERC721”, and pointee is the target contract address. For “NATIVE” type, pointee would be the native denom name instead.


Sending transactions via CLI requires you to have keys added via seid keys add. You can then specify the key you want to use by appending --from=[key name] to your command.

If the machine you run these commands from are not a node of the network, you’d need to append --evm-rpc http://url-to-sei-evm-rpc to your command. Refer to the RPC Providers page for a list of RPC endpoints.

  • seid tx evm associate-address: Associates the Sei address and EVM address on-chain for the sending key.
  • seid tx evm send [to EVM address] [amount in wei]: Sends native tokens to the target EVM address.
  • seid tx evm deploy [path_to_binary]: Deploys the EVM contract specified in path_to_binary.
  • seid tx evm call-contract [addr] [payload hex]: Sends a transaction that calls contract at the target address with the provided payload.
  • seid tx evm erc20-send [addr] [recipient] [amount]: Sends ERC20 tokens of contract at addr to the target recipient.
  • seid tx evm delegate [val-addr] [amount]: Delegates specified amount to the target validator address. The validator address must be in Sei/Cosmos validator address format.

Transaction Template Generation

The --generate-only flag transforms any Sei CLI transaction command into a template generator, creating complete transaction structures without broadcasting them. Through the --generate-only flag and Foundry’s cast tool, developers can craft, analyze, and debug transactions across both native Cosmos and EVM environments.

Basic Command Pattern

The general pattern follows this structure:

seid tx <module> <action> <parameters> --from <key> --generate-only

For example, a token transfer template:

seid tx bank send \ $(seid keys show sender -a) \ $(seid keys show recipient -a) \ 1000000usei \ --from sender \ --generate-only | jq

Generating EVM Transaction Templates

To generate an EVM transaction template, use the evm module with --generate-only. Here’s an example registering an EVM pointer:

seid tx evm register-evm-pointer NATIVE \ factory/sei1ep3f207kt7julz9tjwxp2x8kluj0y9l6u0fume/gptw \ --gas-fee-cap=100000000000 \ --gas-limit=2500000 \ --evm-rpc=https://localhost:8545 \ --from tf \ --generate-only

This command returns a transaction hash that you can analyze further using Foundry’s cast tool.

Analyzing EVM Transactions with Cast

Once you have a transaction hash, you can use Foundry’s cast command to inspect the transaction details:

cast tx 0x5010e6600e67f04a9bc3d3b670a7c2de380b180713d9a014a5dbd76b7e2190f1 \ --rpc-url=https://localhost:8545

This provides detailed transaction information:

blockHash 0x4696d63a9a9ae88b03bcc94ccbd87f407e994b309d1dff9c0626de51ac57b76e blockNumber 130076639 from 0xAa55a16dD4E73c48C968928983c2bcC98d913d96 transactionIndex 7 effectiveGasPrice 100000000000 accessList [] chainId 1329 gasLimit 2500000 hash 0x5010e6600e67f04a9bc3d3b670a7c2de380b180713d9a014a5dbd76b7e2190f1 input 0xc31d960f0000... maxFeePerGas 100000000000 maxPriorityFeePerGas 100000000000 nonce 3 r 0x92313277d1ffad9a18260303081671a2d40035016ac83740486dee916c964db7 s 0x158de03cac836b1fad26770274cffdb06b0809961811eb0b66aebfff95186417 to 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000100b type 2 value 0 yParity 1

Learn more about the EVM transaction structure in the EVM transactions documentation.

Practical Applications

When developing applications that interact with both native and EVM functionality you may want to get an eth transaction by hash from a dApp that is set up to use the Cosmos RPC interface, not the EVM RPC interface:

async function analyzeTransaction(txHash) { // First, get the native transaction details const nativeTx = await fetch(`${seiRestEndpoint}/cosmos/tx/v1beta1/txs/${txHash}`).then((res) => res.json()); // If it's an EVM transaction, get EVM details if (nativeTx.tx.body.messages[0]['@type'].includes('evm')) { const evmTx = await fetch(`${evmRpcEndpoint}`, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ jsonrpc: '2.0', method: 'eth_getTransactionByHash', params: [txHash], id: 1 }) }).then((res) => res.json()); return { native: nativeTx, evm: evmTx }; } return { native: nativeTx }; }

Template Generation for Different Transaction Types

Generate templates for various transaction types:

# Native governance proposal seid tx gov submit-proposal param-change proposal.json \ --from validator \ --generate-only > native_template.json # EVM contract interaction seid tx evm send-tx \ --evm-rpc=http://localhost:8545 \ --gas-limit=2500000 \ --from=mykey \ --generate-only > evm_template.json

Best Practices

Transaction Analysis

When analyzing transactions:

  • Always verify both native and EVM aspects of transactions
  • Use cast to decode input data when working with EVM transactions
  • Keep track of gas parameters across both layers
  • Monitor transaction status on both native and EVM layers

Error Handling

Handle potential issues across both layers:

try { // Check native transaction status const nativeStatus = await checkNativeStatus(txHash); // If native succeeded but EVM failed, investigate EVM layer if (nativeStatus.success) { const evmStatus = await checkEvmStatus(txHash); if (!evmStatus.success) { const evmError = await['tx', txHash, '--rpc-url', evmRpcUrl]); console.error('EVM transaction failed:', evmError); } } } catch (error) { console.error('Transaction analysis failed:', error); }

Security Best Practices

  • Keep private keys secure and never include them in templates
  • Use an .env file or other environment variable where possible when working with hard coded wallet keys or mnemonics
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